Introduction to Elementary Music (7 – 10 yrs) Independent | Fall 2023 | S11:00

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This is an 45 min, 16 week class held on Saturdays at 11:00 | September to January 2023/24
Registration Deadline has past. Please contact us if you are interested in enrolling in this class.

Maximum 4 Students

This class is created to promote music literacy through active music making in a small social group. Many children have not had music class before or are wishing to become more literate prior to enrolling in private lessons. Classes will be filled with chances to sing, and move, time to play with improvisation, composing rhythm patterns and lyrics, in addition learning about music history and theory. We will create music every class and learn different ways to be more musical in our lives.    

This program is about introducing the concepts of music taught through Kodaly and Orff philosophies. Many children find learning in a group setting more fun and engaging. Children learn proper vocal techniques and become familiar with solfege terms, singing patterns, and solfa hand signs. We will participate in engaging musical activities and developing our singing voice through singing games, canons and call and response songs. In addition, we will learn to read and write musical notes and symbols and introduce sight singing.

We will continue to work on our listening and memorization skills. As we progress, we will incorporate note recognition and playing piano, desk bells and additional rhythm instruments. Children love to be dramatic and with the Orff Approach we will add dramatic speech, singing, movement, and instruments of course. We start with practicing body percussion and then we move on to learn more instruments.  We will begin to learn on a Nuvo recorder or a soprano recorder (if the finger strength is developed) as well add instruments such as hand drums and xylophones to help tell stories and poems. This class will be invited to perform in recitals.

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